Sunday, September 2, 2007

A Few Short Steps cont.

It took several tries to get a video of her taking a few steps, so here are the one's that didn't quite make it:


Wednesday, July 25, 2007

A Couple More of Avery Playing the Nursery

In this one she was reading a book, by the time I got to her with the camera she was about finished:

Here she is giving kisses. It's one of the few words she understands completely. She's also climbing all over me to get to the camera cord, which she finally does...

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Just a short clip of Avery playing on the beach...


A few weeks ago I was playing with Avery in our bed when she discovered that falling on a mattress doesn't hurt. I think the initial 'fall' was an accident, but then it turned into a game. She will repeatedly stand up and fall straight back, it's amazing how trusting she is! The problem now is that she wants to do it on sofas and chairs, making it a dangerous little game. But anyways, Holly and I were playing with Avery this weekend in Destin and she started doing it. So Holly grabbed the camera and we tried to get a video of her falling. None of these are very good, but you can get the idea, and they're still cute. I think by the time we started taking pictures she had wimped out and was falling onto her backside first.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


Avery gets bored REALLY easy. Her toys don't keep her attention for very long. But something she loves is tearing apart her bookshelf. As soon as it's all on the floor I put it all back and let her do it again. This is just a cute video of her being destructive!

Blah Blah Blah

The things we do to get her to talk...embarrassing! :)

P.S. That's Jamie and Courtney you hear in the background, they came over for lunch after church.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Video's That Don't Make It To The Blog

Standing with Smiles: just another cute one of Avery standing

Hiccups: A cute video of Avery with the hiccups

Finding the Toy: In this video Avery looses her toy behind the bedskirt and goes looking for it. She's so smart! :)

Blowing Bubbles and Talking: Just making noises. I guess she eventually had enough and decided to fall straight back, hitting her head, and ending the video. she was worries :)

The Off-Limit's Phone: Avery crawling to get my phone, which she knows she's not allowed to have because she sucks on it and the screen stops working. But it only held her interest for a little while.

Banging On The Door: it's that simple...really :)